Monday 27 May 2013

Cloud Computing and I

When my first child was born in Taiwan and second one born in Singapore, I was always eager to have my children next to me when at work. But it was impossible at that time with that 9 to 5 work style!

The age has changed when our third child was born in UK and the Cloud Computing has started. This time I really experienced my dream has come true; have found the sky is my limit; the opportunities are out there to pursue for myself and to create for others! Therefore, I started being my own boss since November 2011.

I wonder how many mums and dads have now enjoyed working with Cloud Computing as much as I do ?
I have no problem to work 24/7- a training I gained while raising up three children. I can wake up at 4am to skype with some co-workers in Australia; can email with someones in USA after 9pm when children are in bed; can reply emails at 2am to someones who are also parents waken up by their babies. Why this work style make me so happy ? Because I can do school runs for my third child; can been seen by my first/second children when they come home from schools, can hear the happy children's noise during school holidays while stay online with my works.

Recall those days - had to apply to work part-time because of school runs; had to register holiday clubs for the two children during school holidays; missed the school assemblies when they were awarded with Head Teachers' prizes....

I'm so grateful for the the invention of the Cloud Computing that makes it possible to have work-life balance for a mum / wife who works with latest technology.

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